Five Reasons You Should Introduce Goats to Your Native Prairie and Timber Stands in Iowa
Goats have many benefits, but the big one is controlling invasive species.
Best Grasses for Native Lawns
If you want to use Buffalograss as your native lawn, you’ll want between 100 to 120lbs per acre. If you are leaning towards the Sideoats Grama, Blue Grama, Buffalograss blend, then you’ll want 7lbs of Sideoats Grama, 2lbs of Blue Grama, and 12lbs of Buffalograss per acre.
Best Wildflowers (Pollinator Plants) for Bees
Typically, for bees you want wildflowers that are charismatic and showy. They use their sexy looks to attract bees to them. So if the flower is “loud” aesthetically and pretty to you, then it probably is putting the same signals out for bees.
Wetlands, Seaweed and A.I Weeding
During The latest episode of Coffee Time Wednesday The Hoksey boys went over some old talking points and brought some new ones to the table.
Why are native flowers so much better?
Native flowers also play an essential role in maintaining the balance of local ecosystems.
How to kill brome (and other cool season grass) in existing prairie
We get this question a lot.
“I have a brome patch that I want to put prairie in, but I don’t want it to be a dirt patch for a year. Can I plant prairie into the brome and kill the brome later?”
Why Lawns Are Becoming Obsolete
Lawns were invented as a defense mechanism around medieval castles in France to allow guards to look into the distance with no trees obstructing the view (according to This led to the subconscious correlation of short -cut lawns and wealth. By the 17th century, grass had become the most common form of short-cut lawns.
How to pick the correct mix for your pollinator garden
There are a few things you want to consider. First, how much sun does the plot get? Second, what is the soil like?
When is the best time to plant wildflowers and prairie grass
There are really two good times of year to plant your native prairie or wildflowers—fall and spring.
Best Way to Plant Native Grasses and Flowers
You want native prairie or wild flowers in your garden or landscape, but you don’t know how to establish it. Well, you’re about to know, so keep reading.
Best Garden Flowers for Iowa
It’s not irregular we at The Prairie Farm get the question, what flowers should I plant in my garden. Our answer is always, “Natives.” But which natives?
That is a great question. Here is a list of the best/our favorite natives to grow in the Midwest.
How to Manage Weeds in Your Prairie/Pollinator Garden
It’s not as complicated as you’d think.
How to Prep an Area for a Pollinator Garden
The ground prep is one of the most important parts.